Reflect on our relation with nature
BY wangxingwei from 21st Century
Published 2020-02-14

UK physicist Isaac Newton once said,“Nature is pleased with simplicity and nature is no dummy.” Indeed, Mother Nature can provide almost everything human beings need if we follow her rules. But if we break the rules, she is likely to be cruel and lash out at us.

The outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP) in China and some other countries at the beginning of this year is an example. According to Xinhua News Agency, the new coronavirus is similar to a virus found in a bat in 2017 and probably has an intermediate host. It’s believed that the virus originated from the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, Hubei province, where live wild animals were sold.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Dr Peter Daszak, president of the US based health organization EcoHealth Alliance, said, “This outbreak is a lesson for us. On a global scale, human population density, wildlife diversity, and land use change are what drive new pandemics.”

In the ancient times, people needed to rely on nature to survive so they held it in awe. For example, the American Indians believed that humans are a part of nature and nature is a part of humans. Chinese ancients always pursued the harmony between nature and human beings.

However, as human beings master more knowledge and make more advanced tools, people try to change and even conquer nature. They use more land to make buildings, genetically modify plants, capture some wild and odd animals to suit their own needs. In this process, humans gradually lose contact with nature and even throw it out of balance.

Although we don’t know for sure what first caused the NCP outbreak, Brian Lamacraft at Medium said it’s time for people to “reflect on our relationship with our planet” and “reconnect with this world and everything that we’ve been given”. After all, according to US poet Gary Snyder, “Nature is not the place to visit. It’s our home.”

(Translator & Editor: Wang Xingwei AND Ji Yuan)
Dummy  傻子
Lash out  迅猛攻击
Intermediate host  中间宿主
Scale  规模
Density  密度
Pandemics  流行病
Awe  敬畏地
Modify  改变