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Explore horror of war through a puppet’s eyes 《吉尔莫·德尔·托罗的匹诺曹 》获得奥斯卡最佳动画长片 导读:今年的奥斯卡最佳动画长片为什么是这部改编版《匹诺曹》?导演有话要说……
In the film, woodcarver Gepetto creates the puppet Pinocchio to mourn his son who died in the war. NETFLIX Since the children’s novel The Adventures of Pinocchio was published in a magazine in 1881, Pinocchio has been in films, TV and written adaptations for decades. But there’s only one such piece of work that has won an Oscar. 自从儿童小说《木偶奇遇记》于1881年发表在杂志上以来,匹诺曹已经在几十年间出现于各种改编版的电影、电视和文本作品中,但只有一部改编作品获得了奥斯卡金像奖。 On March 13, Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio won Best Animated Feature at the Academy Awards. 3月13日,《吉尔莫·德尔·托罗的匹诺曹》荣获奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖。 In the film, the woodcarver Gepetto lives in Italy during Mussolini’s fascist regime. To mourn his son who died in World War I, he made the puppet Pinocchio. With the spell of a wood sprite, the puppet comes to life and then wanders every corner of the country. 电影中,木雕师杰佩托生活在墨索里尼施行法西斯统治时期的意大利。为了悼念在第一次世界大战中死去的儿子,杰佩托制作了木偶匹诺曹。因蓝仙女的咒语,小木偶活了过来,随后在全国各地游历。 With the setting of fascist Italy, Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio takes a dark look at issues of fascism and the ugliness of war. Following the adventure, audiences can see many innocent children whose futures were ruined by the war. Even while they don’t know what wars mean, these children are forced to join the army and even kill. Their eyes were full of bewilderment and confusion. Since these children are “symbolic of the future of a world at war”, the film further shows the grotesque childishness of the fascist agenda,” noted The Conversation website. 《吉尔莫·德尔·托罗的匹诺曹》以法西斯主义时期的意大利为背景,用黑暗的视角审视了法西斯主义和战争的丑陋。随着匹诺曹的历险,观众们看到许多天真无邪的孩子,可战争摧毁了他们的未来。这些孩子虽然不知道战争意味着什么,但却被迫参军,甚至杀人,因而眼睛里充满了惶惑。解释型新闻网指出,由于这些孩子“象征着战时世界的未来”,该片进一步揭示了法西斯计划的幼稚诡谲。 Different in tone from many Pinocchio adaptations for kids, Guillermo del Toro, the director, wanted to show the importance of disobedience when facing misconceptions and unfairness. 与许多儿童向改编版《匹诺曹》风格不同的是,导演吉尔莫·德尔·托罗想要展示,面对误解和不公时不屈从的重要性。 “I think it’s a lesson that’s urgent in the world,” he told AP News. “We are saying disobedience is not only necessary, but it is also a virtue.” “我认为这是世界亟需的一课,”德尔·托罗在接受美联社采访时表示,“我们要说的是,不屈从不仅是必要之举,也是一种美德。” In recent years, there’s been a stigma that animated movies are just a kids’ genre. But del Toro wanted to hit back. 近年来,有人将动画电影看作仅仅拍给孩子看的电影流派,但德尔·托罗想反击这种观点。 “Animation is ready to be taken to the next step. We are all ready for it. Please help us. Keep animation in the conversation,” del Toro told the Oscars audience. 德尔·托罗对奥斯卡观众说,“动画已经准备好更进一步,我们也都准备好了,请帮帮忙,去关注、谈论动画吧。” 以上文章内容选自《21世纪学生英文报》高三807期 |
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