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Driving fast for family 《速度与激情X》回归本源,展现街头赛车的刺激 导读:《速度与激情X》即将上映!陪伴一代人的赛车系列电影也要迎来大结局了……
As the second-to-last film in Fast & Furious series, Fast X will bring the adventures of main characters to a close. Universal Pictures Fasten your seat belt and let’s race! Fast X, part of the Fast & Furious series, is finally going to hit the silver screen in the Chinese mainland on May 17. 系好安全带,开始赛车吧!作为《速度与激情》系列电影中的一部,《速度与激情X》终于将在5月17日登陆中国内地大银幕。 With the first movie released in 2001, the themes of racing and family attracted a large fandom. However, when the series has focused less on street racing in the past, it has drawn criticism. 2001年,以赛车和家庭为主题的《速度与激情1》上映,吸引了大批粉丝。然而,该系列在过去几部中对街头赛车刻画较少,招致了批评。 Fortunately, Fast X is going “back to the roots” and fans can enjoy a fair amount of exciting car racing clips, according to CBR website. Unlike many surreal car races in recent films, including a rocket-powered car and vehicles launching into buildings and other structures, the film doesn’t go too wild. In an interview with Empire magazine, Fast X director Louis Leterrier said that the wildest concept in the film is vertical drag race, in which cars will drive up a wall. “What we did was go back to the original tone. You have to have stuff that feels real,” said Leterrier. 幸好,据漫画书资源网(CBR website)报道,《速度与激情X》将“回归本源”,粉丝们可以欣赏到大量激动人心的赛车片段。近来许多电影中出现超现实赛车桥段,比如汽车由火箭驱动、开车撞向大楼和其他建筑物等,《速度与激情X》则不同,该片并没有过于离奇。影片导演路易斯·在接受《帝国》杂志采访时表示,电影中最狂野的设计是垂直汽车加速赛,汽车将沿着一面墙行驶。莱特里尔说,“我们所做的就是回到最初的基调,必须有感觉真实的东西。” To achieve this goal, the production team also made great effort. “When you see a car dropping from a plane and landing on two cars, well, we did drop a car and then it landed on two cars,” Leterrier added. 为了实现“真实”的目标,制作团队也付出了巨大的努力。莱特里尔补充道,“当你看到一辆车从飞机上落下来,砸在两辆车上,没错,我们确实让一辆车掉了下去,落在两辆车上。” Set to be the second-to-last movie in the series, Fast X brings the adventures of the main character Dominic Toretto to a close. “Part of the reason why Fast X has to be broken into two different movies is that there’s so much ground to cover. There are so many places and so many locations in the world that we have to visit,” Vin Diesel, the US actor who played Toretto, said during a press event. 作为“速激”系列的倒数第二部电影,《速度与激情X》为主角多米尼克·托莱多的冒险画上了句号。饰演托莱多的美国演员范·迪塞尔在一次新闻发布会上说,“《速度与激情X》之所以要分成两部电影,部分原因是要涵盖的内容太多了。我们要去到世界上那么多地方、那么多外景拍摄地。” 以上文章内容选自《21世纪学生英文报》高一908期 标签:影视文化 海外文化 电影
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