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马龙手把手教澳门小朋友打乒乓球,网友:真·金牌教练! 这两天
一段马龙手把手教 澳门小朋友打乒乓球的视频 火上了热搜 视频中马龙十分有爱地 在教一名6岁小朋友 握拍和接发球 球桌对面的一名澳门当地青少年 也毫不紧张,沉着应对 现场气氛轻松有趣 网友表示: 真·金牌教练,羡慕啊! 视频来源:海客新闻 12月21日,内地奥运健儿访澳代表团分组走进多个普通社区与澳门市民互动。在澳门妇联家庭乐满服务中心,马龙手把手带着6岁的丁相匀小朋友打赢“冠军点”。活动结束后,丁相匀有些不好意思地说:“我以前只在电视上看过马龙叔叔打球,今天跟他一起打球,我非常紧张。” 此前,应澳门特别行政区政府邀请,内地奥运健儿代表团19日抵达澳门,开展为期三天的交流活动。12月20日,东京奥运会内地奥运健儿代表团在澳门参与了一系列交流活动,给澳门社会各界带来了无数精彩瞬间和拼搏奋进的精神力量。 ![]() 12月19日,内地奥运健儿代表团成员苏炳添(前)抵达澳门。新华社记者张金加摄 A three-day courtesy visit to the Macao Special Administrative Region by a star-studded delegation of Chinese mainland Olympians from Sunday to Tuesday is expected to inspire local athletes and teenagers as well as spur patriotism in the city, with a series of activities to demonstrate the medalists' Olympic spirit. 代表团成员来自12个比赛项目,有29名在东京奥运会上取得佳绩的运动员和3名教练员,其中包括“亚洲飞人”苏炳添、乒乓球大满贯得主马龙、夺得中国击剑奥运史上首枚女子重剑个人金牌的孙一文。代表团本月初结束为期3天的访港行程,在珠海进行了14天防疫隔离,随后转往澳门交流。 (戳这里回顾) Featuring 29 mainland star athletes and three coaches from 12 sports who attended the Tokyo Olympic Games this year, the delegation had just finished their two-week quarantine in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, after a goodwill visit to Hong Kong earlier this month and arrived at Macao on Sunday evening. The delegation includes Asia's fastest man, sprinter Su Bingtian, who set an Asian record in the men's 100m at the Tokyo Olympics, table tennis Grand Slam winner Ma Long, and Sun Yiwen, the first Chinese fencer to win an Olympic gold medal in individual women's epee. 在回归祖国22周年之际,澳门迎来内地奥运健儿代表团。20日一早,奥运健儿们同澳门各界在金莲花广场参加隆重升旗仪式,共同祝福祖国繁荣昌盛,祝愿澳门蓬勃发展。 ![]() 内地奥运健儿访澳代表团参加庆祝澳门回归22周年升旗仪式。新华社记者 张金加 摄 On Monday morning, the delegation attended a flag-raising ceremony marking the 22nd anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland and spoke at the city's Olympic Sports Centre to 500 young Macao athletes, who responded with loud applause. 升旗仪式结束后,代表团成员前往澳门奥体中心,参加“我们的骄傲——国家奥运精英运动员与澳门青少年运动员真情对话”活动,8位奥运健儿分享了成功背后的拼搏故事,诠释了坚持的含义。对于奥运健儿们的真情分享,在场的澳门年轻运动员倍感振奋。 During the talk, eight star medalists shared the grit and triumphs behind their success with young athletes and answered questions from teen athletes. 视频来源:央视 作为运动员,训练是平时很重要的一部分,但有些运动员找不到自己训练的方向和动力。对此,世界乒坛史上第一位男子双满贯、全满贯得主马龙分享了两点心得:“首先,我们要十分热爱这项运动。无论是在巅峰还是低谷的时候,只有热爱,才会研究、琢磨、总结,才能坚持。第二,我们作为运动员,一定要敢于挑战项目,甚至是挑战历史。正是敢于挑战,才会更加有动力。” 运动场上,失利、伤病同样不可避免,怎样才能从挫折中站起来,重新满怀斗志地拼搏下去?参加过四届奥运会、最终在东京奥运会上获得女子铅球冠军的巩立姣在现场分享了自己的经验。 “我认为,最重要的就是确定自己对运动的热爱,并且要有克服困难的坚持。”巩立姣激励在场观众和年轻运动员,遇到任何困难,只要怀揣着真正的热爱就一定要咬牙坚持,成功没有秘诀,只能坚持到底,永不放弃。 When asked how to keep one's passion for a sport, table tennis medalist Ma Long shared his experience, saying the secret is to set goals, keep striving for the goals and be brave enough to challenge the world record. Veteran Olympic shot putter Gong Lijiao said the key is to never give up. 综合来源:新华社 央广网 光明日报 澎湃新闻 中国青年报 人民日报 China Daily |
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