An asteroid has been named after Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), a comprehensive research university, the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences said on Monday.
A ceremony took place online and offline on Monday to announce the naming of Asteroid Huazhongkejida (Chinese pinyin of HUST), approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
这颗小行星是1995年12月6日由国家天文台兴隆基地观测发现的(1995 XO2),位于火星和木星之间,轨道周期3.37年。经国际天文学联合会小天体命名委员会批准,国际天文学联合会《小行星命名公报》通知,这颗永久编号52487号小行星被命名为“华中科技大星”。其编号中的52谐音“吾爱”,而487则与华中科技大学在教育部中的备案编号一致,两者相互呼应,寄托着爱校之情。
The last three numbers, 487 in the asteroid code, are consistent with HUST's recorded number in the Ministry of Education, said the IAU.
According to an IAU communique, the asteroid coded 52487 was discovered in 1995 by astronomers at the Xinglong Observatory of National Astronomical Observatories, CAS.
HUST has made many advanced sci-tech breakthroughs and actively promoted interdisciplinary studies such as physics, astronomy, and space science. HUST also established the first Astronomy Department in central China.
Asteroids are the only celestial bodies to be named by their discoverers. The naming is considered an international and permanent honor.
综合来源:华中科技大学官方微博/微信 长江日报 中国教育新闻网 新华网