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1000克纯银打造“星空树”,95后苗族姑娘帮王亚平女儿“摘星” 4月16日,神舟十三号载人飞船返回舱在东风着陆场预定区域成功着陆,航天员翟志刚、王亚平、叶光富凯旋归来。出舱后,王亚平说:“真的是很开心很开心!想对女儿说,摘星星的妈妈回来啦!”
视频来源:新华网 当日,神舟十三号航天员抵达北京,王亚平的女儿手捧鲜花,迎接妈妈的凯旋。在深情拥抱并亲吻女儿后,王亚平还不忘掏出了一颗小星星。(戳这里回顾) 视频来源:央视新闻 在虎年春晚上,航天员王亚平的女儿曾隔空喊道:“妈妈,给我摘颗星星回来。”这一幕让人倍感温馨。95后贵州苗族女孩潘雪看到后,心里就萌生了一个想法,用非遗技艺制作一幅星空图,帮王亚平女儿“摘星”。 图源:央视新闻 A traditional craftswoman from the Miao ethnic group in southwest China's Guizhou Province led a team to create a space-themed handicraft featuring local batik and silver ornaments in order to express her respect for China’s astronauts. Pan Xue decided to make a space-themed artwork because she was impressed by the daughter of China's female astronaut Wang Yaping, who asked her mother onboard the country's space station to pick up a star for her while in outer space during a children’s dance show for the 2022 Spring Festival Gala. 潘雪是贵州省凯里市的苗族银饰锻造技艺的非遗传承人。在得知神舟十三号即将返航后,潘雪联手黔东南民族职业学院蜡染工坊的老师和学生,用非遗技艺制作出“浩瀚星空”,向中国航天致敬。 视频来源:中新视频 据她介绍,她和制作团队15人用时一周制作完成作品,1千克纯银经过十多道银饰锻造工序,捶打出挂满星星的银饰“长生树”,希望每个孩子都能迎光逐梦。 为了营造浩瀚星空的氛围,潘雪与黔东南民族职业技术学院蜡染老师何长明在蜡染布料的选材上就花费了很长时间,布料材质要偏向于垂坠有质感、很顺滑的布料。 构图,选布料,画月亮,抖蜡……从决定要做非遗版本的“星空”后,她和团队一刻也没闲着,在何长明的建议下,采用点蜡加构图的方式制作“宇宙中的星星”,一次次尝试后,终于在长1.5米,宽2米的布料上画出上千颗星星。 图源:@西部决策 Pan Xue teamed up with teachers and students at a batik workshop linked to a local vocational school, having worked together to make an artwork featuring stars scattered in the vast cosmos. It consists of a piece of batik representing the cosmos and a silver tree with stars hanging on it, both of which are considered types of intangible cultural heritage in the province. “I must make the work an exquisite one,” said Pan. In choosing the fabric for the batik, Pan and He Changming, a batik teacher, spent a long time since they wanted to ensure that the cloth was going to be smooth enough. Then the team moved onto the process of designing the batik pattern, and after many trials, the team successfully painted over 1,000 stars onto the cloth, which had a width of 1.5 meters and a length of 2 meters. “非遗版星空”的重点部分是要“可摘下星星”。潘雪选了一些木料,在外表涂上银粉,用刻刀一点点勾勒刻划出树皮的感觉,再用银条、银丝做成枝丫,把银皮剪出了近百颗星星挂在银树上。 图源:@西部决策 经过近5天的日夜赶工,一棵挂满“银星星”的树跃然眼前。“这在黔东南叫长生树,寓意着希望,就像中国越来越强大的航天事业。”在潘雪看来,能用少数民族特有的非遗技艺制作出的“星空”感到非常骄傲,她坚信这是在向全世界展示中国的民族文化。 图源:@西部决策 Pan then created the tree using some pieces of wood. She painted the wood with silver powder and then carved out the wood to make the tree appear as if it had a real trunk. She also formed the branches and twigs of the tree using silver wires, after which she then began to make nearly 100 stars using silver sheets. It took her five days to complete the tree with all the silver stars hanging from it. “It’s called a longevity tree in Qiandongnan, whose implication of hope matches China’s burgeoning space industry,” she introduced. 苗族群众佩戴银饰的历史悠久,对他们而言,银饰不仅仅是饰品,更是一种文化符号。苗族银饰上复杂精致的图案,记录了这个民族古老的历史。 “苗族有一个传统,每位苗族女孩都会从父母那里得到一副银饰作为嫁妆。”潘雪说,12岁那年,奶奶带她到银匠铺打造嫁妆时,她才知道苗族银饰都是银匠手工做的,“以前觉得这么好看的东西,肯定是机器做的”。感受到了传统工艺的魅力,潘雪决定系统学习做银饰,更好地传承和推广这项技艺。 2020年11月,潘雪在填丝。新华社记者 郑明鸿 摄 图源:新华网 When she was 12 years old, Pan followed her grandmother to a silversmith's workshop to order silver creations. She saw the glowing metal turned into different shapes — flowers, birds and butterflies — in the silversmith's hands and felt the charm of the traditional craft. That's when she began to learn it herself. “95后”的潘雪在2020年大学毕业后,瞒着父母成为了一名手工艺人。“做这个决定其实是有压力的,父母都希望孩子能找一份体面、稳定的工作。”潘雪说,直到有媒体去家中采访,她父母才知情,“我爸妈也喜欢传统文化,他们没有阻止我”。 如今,为了改变村寨老手艺人因为不赚钱而放弃技艺外出打工的现状,她开始利用互联网平台把藏在“深闺”的技艺宣传出去,并开通直播,打通销售新渠道,带领着一些老手艺人从指尖技艺转变到了指尖经济,也让当地精美的银饰、刺绣等手工艺品得到了展示。 With changes in mindsets and lifestyles, younger generations of Miao people have flocked to China's big, modern cities and often lose touch with their ethnic traditions. Pan wanted to preserve them. She began to record the process of making the Miao silver decorations through short videos, hoping to revive the handicraft online. As her fan base has grown, more silver decorations have been sold outside the province. Pan also explored a way for traditional silver workers to improve their incomes. 综合来源:中国新闻网 新华社 多彩贵州网 新京报 People's Daily Online China Daily |
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