pairing assistance
2月15日,在湖北黄石市中医院的重症监护病房外,江苏对口支援湖北黄石医疗队队员、江苏省人民医院的护士李洁(左)、李敏准备进入病区工作。 新华社发(韩洁珣 摄)
To help alleviate pressure on cities in Hubei province, 19 provinces have mobilized and launched “pairing assistance”. The effort started on Feb 10 with a goal of supporting 16 cities and prefectures in Hubei. This is the second such program, with the first launched on Feb 7. Some cities severely hit by the epidemic in Hubei will receive joint assistance from two partner teams.
remove from all outlets

A children’s book containing a description of eating wild animals was removed from all outlets across the country on Feb 11, China Daily reported. The book, which relays information about different animals, states that the meat of masked palm civets, believed to cause the 2003 SARS outbreak in China, is edible. After an internet user posted an article online saying the book contained inappropriate content, the publisher, Wuhan University Press in Hubei, immediately took action to remove it from shelves.
clinical trials
Several antiviral drugs have been given clinical trials against the novel coronavirus, and some have shown fairly good clinical effects, Xinhua reported. The researchers used computer simulations to observe more than 70,000 drugs and compounds, with about 100 chosen for further experiments, which helped to select the final drugs for clinical trials.
cross infection
在西安北站,西安铁路公安处的民警在出站口测量旅客体温(2月10日摄)。新华社记者 刘潇 摄
To contain cross infection of the virus, railways, airports and other public transportation hubs have strengthened disinfection, ventilation and sanitation of vehicles and stations across China, reported China Daily. Passengers must go through body-temperature screenings at both entrances and exits of public transport stations. People with temperatures above 37.3 C will be transferred to health departments.
contactless delivery
The fact that a majority of people have to stay at home during the epidemic has boosted e-commerce. Catering services such as Meituan, Dingdong Maicai, KFC and McDonald’s, have launched “contactless delivery” services. Consumers can choose the service through apps when ordering food on their mobile phones. Foods and other products will be delivered to a designated location to minimize contact, ensuring both sides’ safety.
schools postpone opening
Due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, the Ministry of Education announced in late January that all schools should postpone their opening dates. It further required that schools should pick different time slots to start the spring semester, in order to make sure there will not be a concentrated mass movement of students when the new semester begins, China Daily reported.