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Buzz Words | 热词放送:休舱,输入性病例,零新增,共享员工 导读:shared employees
cabin hospital to suspend operation ![]() 据《长江日报》报道,3月1日,湖北武汉硚口武体方舱进行“休舱”处理,其患者或出院或被进行转诊处理。(详情戳这里)这是武汉市首家“休舱”的方舱医院。2月11日,硚口武体方舱医院开始收治患者。截至3月1日,累计收治病人数330人,累计治愈出院232人。 On March 1, a cabin hospital in Qiaokou district, Wuhan, suspended operation as all of its patients had either being discharged or moved to other hospitals, Changjiang Daily reported. It’s the city’s first temporary hospital that has stopped receiving patients infected with the novel coronavirus, according to the report. Since its opening on Feb 11, the temporary hospital has treated 330 patients, of which 232 were cured and discharged. 输入性病例 imported novel coronavirus cases ![]() 数日来,中国境外日新增确诊病例超过中国境内。为了控制输入性病例的增长,中国在出入境管理中采取了严格措施。据3月1日国务院联防联控机制新闻发布会上介绍,所有出入口岸机场的人员,都需要接受体温检测。北京、上海以及山东省和辽宁省的一些城市,对来自疫情发生国家地区——诸如韩国、日本等地的人员采取14日隔离措施,并且为外国入境人员安排宾馆进行隔离。 The number of new confirmed COVID-19 cases outside China has exceeded the number of cases inside the country for days. In order to curb imported novel coronavirus cases, China has adopted strict measures on entry-exit control. According to a news conference held by the State Council on March 1, anyone entering or exiting ports and airports should have their temperatures checked. Major cities like Beijing and Shanghai and some other cities in Shandong and Liaoning have introduced measures such as 14-day quarantines for people arriving from virus-hit countries including Japan and South Korea, and arranging hotels for arriving foreign visitors. 零新增 zero new infections ![]() 据中国日报网报道,中国新冠肺炎感染人数持续下降。多省份零新增,治愈和出院人数上升。同时,病亡人数下降。然而,在包括伊朗、意大利和韩国等地,新冠肺炎的感染人数和病亡人数上升,新华社评论呼吁各方团结协作,防止病毒蔓延。 Infections from the outbreak have been on the decline inside China, reported China Daily. Several provinces have recorded zero new infections, and the number of people that have recovered and been discharged is on the rise. Meanwhile, deaths from the disease have also fallen. However, spikes in infections and deaths from COVID-19 have been reported in countries including Iran, Italy and South Korea, which calls for unity and global cooperation to contain the spread of the virus, commented Xinhua. 共享员工 shared employees ![]() Wang Danqing, a temporary worker, works at a Hema grocery store unit in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. [Photo by Hu Jinwei/for chinadaily.com.cn] 新冠肺炎疫情迫使大部分人“宅”在家中,但是中国企业创造性地提出分配人力的办法——共享员工。超市、电商平台的零售店以及其他公司或工厂,雇用共享员工解决用工荒,把工人分配到最需要的地方。2月初,线上超市盒马鲜生倡议,雇用那些暂时歇业或营业时间缩短的餐馆员工。 The COVID-19 epidemic has forced the majority of people to stay at home for more than a month, but Chinese companies have come up with a creative way to allocate their manpower – employee sharing. The so-called shared employees are being hired by supermarkets, e-commerce platforms’ retail stores, and other companies or factories to ease the workforce crunch and put workers where they’re most needed. In early February, Hema Xiansheng, an online supermarket, started the initiative by hiring employees from restaurants that were either shut closed or operating on reduced hours. 综合来源:新华网,国务院官网,中国日报网,央视新闻 标签:社会
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