The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday that the COVID-19 outbreak can be characterized as a "pandemic" as the virus spreads increasingly worldwide. "We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said at a press conference. A WHO website defines a pandemic as "the worldwide spread of a new disease."
Circuit breaker
The S&P 500 fell by seven percent upon opening on Monday, triggering a circuit breaker that halted trading for 15 minutes for the first time since the 2008 financial crisis. The S&P 500 declined 7 percent shortly after the opening bell on Thursday, triggering a key circuit breaker. It was Wall Street's second 15-minute halt this week. The circuit breaker mechanism refers to measures adopted by stock exchanges to temporarily halt trading to avert panic selling by investors after the stock index has fallen a certain percentage.
马上学:熔断机制的英文是circuit breaker mechanism,其中,circuit breaker在电工学里就是断路器的意思。当电路中出现短路时,断路器会立即断开电路,保护负载的安全。
随着全球新冠肺炎确诊病例数量的增加,很多国家的人们开始囤积口罩以及生活必需品。据BBC报道,卫生纸的需求意外激增,超过了长保质期食品以及其他不易腐烂的物品。澳大利亚新南威尔士大学的Nitika Garg指出,这种恐慌性购买的原因,可以用错失恐惧症来解释。
With the rapid increase in confirmed cases of COVID-19 around the world, people in many countries are stockpiling face masks and other living necessities. Surprisingly, the demand for toilet paper has surged ahead of long-life food and other non-perishable goods, according to BBC. This panic buying is explained as Fear of Missing Out syndrome by Nitika Garg, from the University of New South Wales, Australia.
Eye fatigue

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, workers and students have to work or study at home by using computers and mobile phones. This has raised concerns about eye fatigue from too much screen time. According to Wei Wenbin, head of the ophthalmology department with Beijing Tongren Hospital, a break of 10 minutes is necessary to relax the eyes after staring at screens continuously for 30 minutes to an hour.