Cloud job fair
由于新冠肺炎疫情影响,在线招聘服务开始助力人才招聘。3月16日,上海启动“云选会”,有6000家单位参加,提供10万余个岗位。据新华社报道,与现场招聘相比, “云选会”平台并非招聘信息的简单推送,而是通过智慧服务跟踪用人单位需求,做精细、精准的招聘服务。
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, online recruiting services have been put forward to assist the recruiting process. On March 16, Shanghai launched a “cloud job fair” with 6,000 recruiters providing more than 100,000 jobs for college graduates worldwide. Compared to on-site recruiting, the cloud recruiting platform does not simply show job information but provides smart and targeted services for recruiters based on their demand, Xinhua reported.