Being lifted out of poverty
这是7月1日拍摄的贵州省绥阳县风华镇的美丽乡村(无人机照片)。新华社记者 杨楹 摄 图源:新华网
On Nov 23, the Guizhou provincial government announced that its last nine of 66 previously impoverished counties have been lifted out of poverty. The success of Guizhou’s anti-poverty campaign marked China’s achievement of removing all 832 impoverished counties from the poverty list.
马上学:“脱贫摘帽”是指摆脱贫困,而“摘帽”是将贫困称谓比喻为一顶帽子,实现脱贫就是将“贫困县”称谓摘除。“脱贫”还可表达为shake off/alleviate poverty。