A milk tea shop has recently become a hot topic on Sina Weibo, earning more than 300 million views.
"Post Oxygen of Tea," a shop selling milk tea products opened in Fuzhou, East China's Fujian Province, earlier in June. Compared to similar shops, Post Oxygen of Tea looks like a China Post office as it sports its classic green and yellow decor as well as uses the "health-enhancing" tag for its products such as bird's nest fresh milk.
The new shop soon inspired netizen discussions, with some saying they think the new crossover move is an attempt to particularly cater to young market groups that are active on the internet. Some netizens said that the new business is the traditional business' attempt to embrace a new market trend.
据Global Times报道,奶茶已经是国内最受欢迎的饮品之一,很多城市都有奶茶店或奶茶连锁品牌。如今,坐拥上千亿市场规模,奶茶制作正式成为中国的新兴职业。
Milk tea has become a popular drink in China as many cities in China have set up a number of milk tea stores and chain brands. Now, with a market size of hundreds of billions of yuan, making milk tea has officially become a new profession in China.
人力资源社会保障部、国家市场监督管理总局、国家统计局不久前联合发布了18个新职业,其中就包括“调饮师”, 将其定义为“对茶叶、水果、奶及其制品等原辅料通过色彩搭配、造型和营养成分配比等完成口味多元化调制饮品的人员”。 人社部表示,“调饮师”作为新兴职业,不仅有利于促进灵活就业,还可带动茶叶、奶类及果蔬等产业的发展。
Milk tea makers along with other 17 new careers officially became new professions in China, China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) along with State Administration for Market Regulation and National Bureau of Statistics announced recently. Milk tea maker literally means people who make milk tea drinks by proportionally mixing tea, fruit and dairy products. This new profession will not only facilitate employment, but also will promote the development of tea, dairy and fruit sectors, citing the announcement by the MOHRSS.
According to relative data, the number of consumers who enjoy new types of teas has exceeded 340 million, and the market size of the new types of teas is expected to exceed 110 billion yuan in 2021.
The new shop's link to China Post is rather less direct. Last November, a pharmaceutical limited company registered the trademark for Post Oxygen of Tea. The pharmaceutical company's largest shareholder is a subsidiary with links to China Post Group Holding.
另据Global Times报道,与中国邮政相似,另一行业巨头中国石化也涉足了餐饮领域:于今年1月开卖螺蛳粉业务。几个月后,中国石油也开卖螺蛳粉。这些举措无疑令网友们震惊。
Similarly to the China Post, Chinese oil refining giant Sinopec Group is another example of a company that has tried to extend into new territory. It dumbfounded netizens by introducing a new product completely unrelated to its expertise - luosifen, a rice noodle product that is arguably one of the most talked-about Chinese street foods and which has many young fans.
综合来源:新华网,中新网,Global Times,新京报