
8月6日,中国队队员吴智强、苏炳添、谢震业和汤星强(从左至右)在比赛后。新华社记者 王丽莉 摄
British sprinter Chijindu Ujah who won the men's 4x100m relay silver medal at the Tokyo Olympic Games, has been suspended provisionally due to a positive test during the Games. The Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) revealed on Thursday that following the conclusion of the Tokyo Olympic Games, the doping control laboratory in Tokyo notified the the International Testing Agency (ITA) that Ujah's test showed the "presence/use of a prohibited substance (Ostarine and S-23)".

8月6日,中国队第一棒汤星强和第二棒谢震业在比赛中。新华社记者 吕小炜 摄
The 27-year-old Ujah ran the first leg for the British team which finished second after champions Italy in a margin of 0.01 second.

8月7日,意大利队在男子4x100米接力决赛后庆祝。新华社记者 王丽莉 摄
"If requested by the athlete and if the B-sample analysis confirms the AAF, or alternatively if the athlete does not wish to have the B-sample analysis undertaken, the case will be referred to the Anti-Doping Division of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS ADD) for adjudication under the IOC Anti-Doping Rules applicable to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 (IOC ADR)," said the ITA.
According to the world athletic anti-doping rules: "Where the athlete who has committed an anti-doping rule violation competed as a member of a relay team, the relay team shall be automatically disqualified from the event in question, with all resulting consequences for the relay team, including the forfeiture of all titles, awards, medals, points and prize and appearance money." The news means the quartet could all face being stripped of their medals, with Canada moving to silver medal and China receiving bronze, if Ujah is found guilty.

8月6日,中国队队员出场。新华社记者 李一博 摄
8月6日晚,东京奥运会田径男子4x100米接力决赛中,汤星强、谢震业 、苏炳添、吴智强获得第4名。中国队与第三名加拿大队只有0.09秒的差距,也让众多粉丝表示“有点可惜”。赛后, “好想给苏炳添一块奖牌!” 的话题也冲上热搜。
Sprinter Su Bingtian was chosen as Team China's flag-bearer at the closing ceremony. He was honored as the first Chinese to qualify for an Olympic men's 100-meter final as well as setting a new Asian record of 9.83 seconds in the semifinals.
