Buzz Words | 热词放送:“羲和号”
来源:21英语网 作者:21ST 日期: 2021-10-15
10月14日,我国在太原卫星发射中心采用长征二号丁运载火箭,成功发射首颗太阳探测科学技术试验卫星“羲和号”。 该星将实现国际首次太阳Hα波段光谱成像的空间探测,填补太阳爆发源区高质量观测数据的空白,提高我国在太阳物理领域研究能力。“羲和”为中国上古神话中的太阳女神与制定时历的女神,象征着中国对太阳探索的缘起与拓展。
China sent its first solar exploration satellite into space from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in north China's Shanxi Province Thursday. The satellite was launched aboard a Long March-2D rocket and entered its planned orbit successfully, said the China National Space Administration (CNSA). The satellite, which will conduct the first space exploration of solar Hα spectral imaging, is expected to improve China's research ability in solar exploration. Solicited from the public, the name of the satellite, Xihe, is the goddess of the sun who created the calendar in ancient Chinese mythology.
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