Britain was determined to engage with Huawei based on a recommendation made by Ciaran Martin, whose team at GCHQ had made detailed intelligence and technology assessments.A White House delegation arrived in London in May 2019 on a policy-disruption mission. Their brief was to oppose a British plan that would allow Huawei limited access to help build the country’s next-generation 5G cellular data network.Within minutes of the delegation’s arrival at the Cabinet Office, Martin and other senior officials, including the deputy national security adviser, Madeleine Alessandri, were effectively shouted at by one of their guests for five hours.
That guest was Matthew Pottinger, a former US Marines intelligence officer parachuted into the White House in early 2017 to become the National Security Council’s director on Asia.
“We were keen to work with the US to counter [China’s strategic] ambitions,” Martin recalled. “The problem was, on our side, we didn’t think Huawei’s limited involvement in UK 5G was the most important thing in a much wider strategic challenge — whereas the US were only interested in that part of the problem, for reasons we couldn’t fathom.”
A British intelligence official who was at the meeting said: “Pottinger just shouted and was entirely uninterested in the UK’s analysis. It was five hours of shouting with a prepared, angry and weirdly non-threatening script. We tried to offer a policy discussion but Pottinger didn’t care. We even said that we didn’t contest the analysis of the Chinese threat and explained our technicalities, but the US officials weren’t interested in that. Pottinger was continuously and repeatedly obnoxious.”
I have noted the article. This is simply shocking and like a story for a movie. What has been revealed by the British media is further proof that the US’s coercion of the UK into giving up Huawei is all part of the political manipulation aimed at suppressing Chinese hi-tech companies. The so-called “national security” and “5G technology risks” are merely pretexts used by the US to mask its sinister intention.
I also noted that the article points out that the UK government’s decision to ban Huawei comes at a huge cost as it would delay the country’s 5G rollout by three years and cost it at least £2 billion to remove all Huawei 5G equipment from its networks by 2027. I believe the world can see clearly who is actually footing the bill for the US’s selfishness and bullying tactics.
These facts show once again that the US’s move to stretch and abuse the concept of national security and politicize technological issues is deeply unpopular. The so-called “clean network” peddled by the US is really a “dirty network” designed to repress anyone who disagrees with them. If the US’s self-serving calculations so dictate, even a close ally like the UK can be subject to coercion and bullying. The international community should see clearer the US’s hypocrisy behind all its false narratives.
《星期日泰晤士报》的这篇报道内容,节选自英国记者理查德·科巴伊的新书《五眼联盟密史:国际间谍网络的隐藏故事》(The Secret History of the Five Eyes: The Untold Story of the International Spy Network)。这一部分讲述了英国政府对待华为参与建设5G网络态度的转变。
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