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还没到冬天,欧洲就已经买爆中国取暖神器! 尽管还不到10月份,但是在俄罗斯被制裁导致天然气价格持续走高的欧洲,提前考虑过冬的取暖设备已成为当务之急。 近来一段时间,中国产的取暖“神器”,包括电热器、电热毯以及空气源热泵等设备出口量暴增,产品热销欧洲。 China's exports of heating appliances, including electric heaters, electric blankets and air source heat pumps, have witnessed explosive growth this year as the continent is in the grip of its biggest energy crisis in decades, with natural gas supplies from Russia becoming volatile.
欧洲:担忧“断气”,取暖设备销量好 此前据路透社、布鲁塞尔时报等媒体报道,德国、比利时等欧洲国家民众已经开始购买电取暖设备,为冬天提早准备。 布鲁塞尔时报报道称,比利时民众为了迎接“寒冷且昂贵(cold and expensive)”的冬天,电取暖设备销量攀升,原因则在于高昂的天然气价格和通胀。 路透社报道称,尽管部分电取暖设备价格昂贵,但是目前天然气价格高涨,欧洲方面也担心冬季来临时,俄罗斯“将切断或限制天然气供应( cut or further limit gas supplies)”。
报道称,德国等欧盟国家,在能源危机进一步加剧时,正竭力为家用及工业用能源提供支持。 Germany, along with other European Union countries, is scrambling to support homes and industries burdened by a further surge in energy prices. 报道援引市场调查机构GfK的数据,在今年上半年,德国人总共购入60万台取暖设备,相比去年同期增长近35%。 Germans bought 600,000 electric heating devices during the first half of the year, up almost 35% from a year earlier, according to data by market researcher GfK. 根据欧盟统计局数据,截止到2022年7月,欧盟能源价格通胀年增长率达38.3%,其中天然气和电力价格通胀年增长率分别达52.2%和31.1%。 The European Union's statistics bureau showed that the annual inflation rate of energy prices in the EU reached 38.3 percent as of July, among which natural gas and electricity prices jumped 52.2 percent and 31.1 percent, respectively. 中国:补单大潮,电热产品出口暴增 在欧洲经历能源危机,民众需求电取暖装备高涨之际,中国产品迎来销量增长。 图源:央视财经 据中国日报、参考消息和每日经济新闻等援引中国海关总署数据显示,仅今年7月,欧盟27国进口中国电热毯就高达129万条,环比增长近150%。
1月至7月,中国电热毯出口额规模为3340万美元,以97%的同比增速引领其他家电品类,电暖器出口额规模则同比增长23%。 China's General Administration of Customs said the country's exports of electric blankets and electric heaters skyrocketed 97 percent and 23 percent year-on-year, respectively, in the first seven months, given that European consumers are expanding their purchases of heating appliances ahead of the coming winter. 其中,7月中国向德国出口41.9万条电热毯,8月出口量增至63.2万条。英国8月进口了58.2万条中国电热毯。
据央视财经介绍,浙江宁波慈溪市是我国取暖器生产基地之一。往年,出口的取暖器生产旺季在9月中旬左右就结束了。今年受俄乌冲突、能源危机等因素影响,许多欧洲国家天然气使用量受限,各种取暖器需求量持续增加,不少进口商纷纷临时追加订单,带来了一轮“补单潮”。 目前,慈溪市共有100多家取暖器生产企业,出口量占到全国的30%。据海关统计,今年前8个月取暖器出口大幅增长,其中出口欧盟的增幅超过50%。 插入视频:https://tv.cctv.com/2022/09/22/VIDErFn9N7kWjKAlg3VFFXTf220922.shtml 视频来源:央视财经
中国家用电器协会的分析显示: 中国电暖器和电热毯的出口量规模迅猛扩张,空气源热泵增势也非常亮眼,整体延续了2021年的高增态势。 在空气源热泵方面,中国目前是欧洲空气源热泵进口第一大国,占比高达60%,多个国家呈爆发式增长,上半年对保加利亚、波兰、意大利、西班牙出口额比去年同期增幅分别高达614%、373%、198%、71%。 Currently, China is the main supplier of air source heat pumps-a common heating technology that sources heat energy from ambient air outdoors for indoor heating-to Europe, taking up about 60 percent of global market share, said the China Household Electrical Appliances Association. In the first half, China's exports of air source heat pumps to Bulgaria, Poland, Italy and Spain soared 614 percent, 373 percent, 198 percent and 71 percent year-on-year, respectively. 综合来源:中国日报网,央视财经,路透社,中国家用电器协会 |
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