据美联社等报道,当地时间10日,乌克兰首都基辅中心等地发生爆炸,美联社记者称该地疑似遭受导弹攻击,可能是俄方针对克里米亚大桥爆炸事件的报复行动(could be Moscow’s retaliation)。
9日,普京在听取俄罗斯调查委员会主席巴斯特雷金就克里米亚大桥爆炸事件所做调查后表示,克里米亚大桥爆炸是乌克兰特工部门策划和实施的,这是一起针对“关键民用基础设施的恐怖袭击(a terrorist act aimed at destroying Russia's critical civilian infrastructure)”。
The explosion on the Crimean Bridge was no doubt a terrorist act aimed at destroying Russia's critical civilian infrastructure, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Sunday."Ukraine's special services were the initiators, performers and masterminds," Putin said when meeting with Chairman of the Russian Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin.
"We have also identified the carriers ... With the help of FSB (Federal Security Service) agents, we were able to identify suspects from among those who could have arranged the terrorist act and those who are active within the Russian Federation," Bastrykin said. “We have already established the route of the truck,” he added.
At least three people were killed in the incident. The explosion led to a temporary halt of both road and railway traffic, although both had resumed by Saturday evening.
While stopping short of claiming responsibility, high-ranking Ukrainian officials publicly celebrated the explosion. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Sunday dismissed the possibility of Russia using nuclear weapons in retaliation.
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