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在太空中引用《兰亭集序》后,会说汉语的欧洲宇航员这样回应 还记得那位引用《兰亭集序》古文的意大利宇航员萨曼莎·克里斯托福雷蒂吗?(戳这里回顾) 美国当地时间14日,经历了5个半月的太空之旅后,克里斯托福雷蒂和其他任务乘组成员(Crew-4)一道,安全返回地球。其返回舱“自由号”经过重返大气层的燃烧后,打开降落伞落在美国佛罗里达附近的水域中。 European Space Agency astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti is back on Earth after spending the last five and a half months in orbit on the International Space Station. Collectively known as Crew-4, Samantha and her colleagues returned in Crew Dragon spacecraft Freedom. After completing a series of deorbit burns, Freedom entered Earth’s atmosphere and deployed its parachutes for a water-landing off the coast of Florida on 14 October. 根据欧洲航天局(ESA)的介绍,返回地球后的克里斯托福雷蒂,随即从美国飞赴德国科隆(欧洲航天局本部),落地后她一直面带笑容。 图源:ESA网站 Samantha Cristoforetti is all smiles after arriving in Cologne, Germany, less than a day after leaving the International Space Station. 她面对媒体采访时说道:“我很高兴回来,也感激获得这次难以置信的机会。我现在很期待和我爱的人们相聚,也期待在后续阶段继续进行科学实验。” Speaking to media, she said, “I'm happy to be back and thankful for this incredible opportunity. I'm looking forward to be with my loved ones now and also to continue the scientific experiments during the post-flight phase." 图源:CGTN Europe 就在返回地球的几天前,克里斯托福雷蒂所在空间站飞跃中国上空,她引用了《兰亭集序》中的古文,描述了所见景象,引发中国网友的热议。 The Italian picked up a lot of attention in China last week after she quoted some classic Chinese poetry on social media with a view of the Chinese capital from space.
“我有一个好朋友,一位在中国住了30年的意大利汉学家,他很懂中国文学。是他给了我建议,而且这句古文听上去摘录得不错。所以,很遗憾,不能说是我选了这句古文,但可以说我选了个聪明的朋友。” While making a response to the Chinese social media attention, she said the excerpt was suggested by a sinologist who is very knowledgeable on Chinese literature. "I have a good friend, an Italian who has lived in China for 30 years – a sinologist, very very knowledgeable on Chinese literature. He suggested that to me, and it sounded like a good excerpt. So unfortunately, I cannot take credit for choosing it – but only for choosing a smart friend." 图源:CGTN Europe 根据欧洲航天局的介绍,作为密涅瓦任务的一部分,克里斯托福雷蒂在太空微重力环境下,支持完成了很多科学实验。 As part of her Minerva mission, Samantha supported numerous experiments in microgravity.
美国航天局网站称,克里斯托福雷蒂目前已经执行过两次太空任务,总共在太空驻留369天。这一数据也让她成为历史上在太空驻留时间第二长的女性。 Cristoforetti has logged 369 days in space on her two flights, making her second on the all-time list for most days in space by a woman.
欧洲航天局局长约瑟夫·阿施巴赫则在接受CGTN采访时表示,克里斯托福雷蒂的汉语很棒,她的推文显示了她的中文功底。 图源:CGTN Europe 他还说,太空是属于世界的,无法划定界限。空间站、人造卫星等航天器围绕地球飞行,它们跨越国界化、宗教,跨越哲学和历史的分歧。这些都时刻提醒我们,太空是高于我们人类生活世界的。
综合来源:CGTN,NASA,ESA 标签:社会
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