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外媒围观:继马斯克的推特之后,扎克伯格的Meta也要大裁员了 继马斯克的推特宣布大规模裁员引发关注后(戳这里回顾),外媒再度曝出猛料:扎克伯格的Meta也要大裁员了。 据《华尔街日报》报道,当地时间周二下午,科技巨头Meta的CEO马克·扎克伯格告知高管,公司于周三开启大规模裁员(layoff)。报道援引匿名知情人士消息称,即将到来的裁员可能影响数千名员工,是公司历史上最大规模的裁员。 Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg told company executives that major layoffs at the tech giant will begin on Wednesday morning, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday afternoon. Citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter, the Journal reported that the upcoming job cuts will likely impact many thousands of employees and mark the first broad headcount reductions in the company’s history. ![]() 截至9月底,Meta员工数量据称超过87000人。公司领导层本周早些时候已经告知员工,取消不必要的外出旅行。 Meta reported more than 87,000 employees at the end of September. Company officials already told employees to cancel nonessential travel beginning this week. 报道称,知情人士表示,扎克伯格在周二的会议上显得“沮丧(downcast)”,并且表示他自己为公司的错误负责。他对于公司业务增长过于乐观(over-optimism),导致了人员冗余。 Zuckerberg appeared downcast in Tuesday’s meeting and said he was accountable for the company’s missteps, and that his over-optimism about growth had led to overstaffing, according to people familiar with the meeting. ![]() ![]() 知情人士表示,Meta的人力资源部门负责人洛里·格勒称,被裁员工将得到至少4个月的薪水作为遣散费用。 Meta’s head of human resources, Lori Goler, told that employees who lose their jobs will be provided with at least four months of salary as severance, according to people familiar with the meeting. 报道称,Meta的股价今年以来已经下跌超70%。公司强调经济大环境恶化的影响,但是投资人也被Meta的开支及其核心社交媒体业务面对的威胁“吓到”。由于来自TikTok的严峻竞争,Meta社交媒体业务的在多个市场中的份额增长停滞不前。 Meta’s stock has fallen more than 70% this year. The company has highlighted deteriorating macroeconomic trends, but investors have also been spooked by its spending and threats to the company’s core social-media business. Growth for that business in many markets has stalled amid stiff competition from TikTok. CNN的报道指出,由于担心迫在眉睫的经济衰退,广告商勒紧了腰带。Meta去年的市值一度自称超过1万亿美元,现在是2500亿美元。同时,Meta在“元宇宙”上投入了数十亿计的美元,然而距离“元宇宙”的实现还遥遥无期。 Fears of a looming recession have also led to advertisers tightening their belts. Once boasting a market capitalization of more than $1 trillion last year, Meta is now valued at about $250 billion. Meanwhile, the company has also been spending billions on a future version of the internet dubbed the metaverse, which likely remains years away. 《华尔街日报》报道则指出,除了Meta,包括推特,Snap,Salesforce Inc等公司纷纷开始裁员。对此报道总结道: 在疫情期间激进性的招聘后,科技企业面临近年来最严重的紧缩局面。 After hiring aggressively through the pandemic, the tech industry is facing its biggest retrenchment in years. 综合来源:CNN,WSJ 标签:科技
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