蓝环章鱼,学名Hapalochlaen maculosa,英国自然历史博物馆网站这样描述:小巧,鲜艳,且极其致命(small, vibrant and exceptionally deadly)。
Blue-ringed octopuses are undeniably stunning. When they are alarmed, these animals will show off the eponymous iridescent blue rings that cover their body and arms.
But their adorably small size and Instagrammable appearance is deceptive: blue-ringed octopuses are some of the ocean's most toxic animals.
*Instagrammable:由社交媒体Instagram+able组合而成,根据剑桥词典的解释,指的是足够有趣或有吸引力里的东西,适合拍照并且发到Instagram上。(attractive or interesting enough to be suitable for photographing and posting on the social media service Instagram)
The terms are often used interchangeably, but ‘venom’ and ‘poison’ are not the same thing. True, they’re both a toxic substance that can potentially harm or kill you, but the main difference lies in the way they are delivered to the unfortunate victim.
Poison is a toxin that gets into the body via swallowing, inhaling or absorption through the skin.
Venom is a specialised type of poison that has evolved for a specific purpose. It is actively injected via a bite or sting.
Occasionally an animal can be both venomous and poisonous. The blue-ringed octopus, for example, is venomous when it bites with its beak but it is poisonous if it is swallowed.
The deadly nature of he blue-ringed octopus comes from tetrodotoxin (TTX). TTX can act as either a poison if a predator eats the octopus, or as venom if injected through a bite.
所以,网站给出的总结更直白,poison还是venom?这取决于你是咬还是被咬(Bite or be bitten)……
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