Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Saturday was evacuated unscathed after an object that appeared to be a smoke bomb was thrown near him during his visit to western Japan's Wakayama City for a stump speech, local media reported. According to investigative sources, Ryuji Kimura, a 24-year-old man from Hyogo Prefecture, was arrested at the scene.
Footage shows crowds of people running away as smoke filled the area where a loud explosion was heard, and police officers pressing the suspect to the ground. The object, resembling a flare with smoke, was thrown at Kishida at around 11:30 a.m. local time while he was preparing to deliver an outdoor speech supporting the by-election of the House of Representatives.
Kimura, meanwhile, was found to have brought a knife with him tucked inside his backpack, with the blade's length measuring about 13 centimeters, the sources said, causing the police to suspect he may have intended to carry out his attack differently depending on the situation. The suspect is refusing to answer police questions in the absence of a lawyer.
In a stump speech elsewhere in the city, Kishida said the incident should not be allowed to disrupt the electoral process. "Together with you all, we have to carry on with the election."
The attack against Kishida comes as G7 climate and energy ministers meet in the northern city of Sapporo and the bloc's foreign ministers gather in the resort town of Karuizawa in Nagano Prefecture.
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