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美国放出外星人消息了吗?马斯克的解释乐了…… 马斯克近来频频成为外媒关注焦点,继上周开怼BBC记者之后(戳这里回顾),马斯克又把目标瞄准了外星人。 福克斯新闻网站:马斯克透露他是否看到过外星生命的证据 作为太空X公司的CEO,马斯克接受了福克斯新闻主播塔克·卡尔森的采访。 “很多人问我,外星人在哪儿?我觉得如果有谁知道地球上的外星人,那估计就是我了,”马斯克开玩笑说道,“你懂得,我了解这些太空里的东西。但是我没有看到外星人存在的证据。我当然希望有了,如果有的话我会立即发推公布的,‘家人们,我们发现了一个外星人!’这条肯定会是最热门推文,一直被点赞。” "A lot of people ask me, you know, where are the aliens? And I think if anyone would know about aliens on Earth it would probably be me," Musk said in a sit-down interview Tuesday with "Tucker Carlson Tonight." "Yeah, I'm, you know, very familiar with space stuff. And I've seen no evidence of aliens. So I wish -- I would immediately tweet, you know, tweet it out. That'd be liked all time -- probably the top tweet of all time. We found one, guys!" he joked.
Musk recalled a story he heard of a general from the 1960s who was trying to get the U.S. defense budget expanded and came up with the idea that if an alien ever was found, they should make the news immediately public. 马斯克继续开玩笑地解释:“如果我们拉出个外星人然后说,‘我们需要钱来保护自己免受外星人侵害’,你猜,‘你想要多少钱?你也看见了,外星人看着挺危险的’。所以,增加国防预算最快的方法,就是把外星人拉出来。” "If we pulled out an alien and said, ‘We need money to protect ourselves from these guys.’ You know, ‘How much money do you want? You got it. They look dangerous,'" the Twitter CEO jokingly explained. "So the fastest way to get a defense budget increase would be to pull out an alien." 马斯克补充道,根据他的理解,目前太空中还没有“有意识的生命”的证据,但是他认为,如果真存在这样的生命,希望它们是“和平的”。 Musk added that to the best of his knowledge, there has been no evidence of "conscious" life in space, but suggested that if there were, he would like them to be "peaceful."
无独有偶,CNN等美媒也于近日报道了五角大楼关于不明飞行物(UFO)的报告。 CNN:五角大楼称,美国政府追踪超过650个潜在的UFO案例 去年,美国政府成立了专门负责研究所谓的“不明空中现象”(UAP)的“全域异常现象解决办公室(AARO)”,通常也被称为 UFO(不明飞行物)。近日,办公室负责人基尔帕特里克表示,美国政府正在追踪超过650起潜在的UFO案例。相比于今年早些时候一份未加密情报中提供的数字(350起)要多。 The US government is tracking more than 650 potential cases of so-called “unidentified aerial phenomena,” commonly known as UFOs, according to the director of the office created last year to focus on the sightings. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, told a Senate Armed Services subcommittee Wednesday that the number of cases was up from the 350 reports referenced in an unclassified intelligence report on unidentified aerial phenomena released earlier this year. 据CNN报道,基尔帕特里克公布了两个有关疑似UFO的视频片段,其中一段证实其中的疑似目标为商务飞机,另一段视频则无法判断。 而至于大家最关心的外星人问题,基尔帕特里克表示: “在我们的研究范畴内,目前没有发现外星生命活动、地外科技或违反所知物理定律物体的可信证据。” “In our research, AARO has found no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity, off-world technology or objects that defy the known laws of physics,” Kirkpatrick said. 值得注意的是,马斯克并非第一次开外星人的玩笑了。去年,有人问他“你认为什么样最疯狂的阴谋论可能是真的?”(What’s the craziest conspiracy theory you think might be true?) 马斯克对此回答:我是个要回母星的外星人。 I’m an alien trying to get back to my home planet 综合来源:福克斯新闻,CNN 标签:社会
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