UK Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab resigned on Friday, one day after an independent report into allegations that he bullied staff members while working at several government departments. Raab also resigned from his post of secretary of state for justice.
Raab had "acted in a way which was intimidating, in the sense of unreasonably and persistently aggressive conduct in the context of a work meeting". Raab "acted in a manner which was intimidating, in the sense of going further than was necessary or appropriate in delivering critical feedback". Raab was "also insulting, in the sense of making unconstructive critical comments about the quality of work done."
不过,拉布否认自己曾有“霸凌下属”的行为。在辞职信中,他表示调查结论“有缺陷(flawed)”,他作为内阁大臣只不过是从“进度、标准和挑战”方面对下属工作提出要求,无意施压或冒犯对方( unintended stress or offence that any officials felt, as a result of the pace, standards and challenge)。
“I had not once, in four and a half years, sworn or shouted at anyone, let alone thrown anything or otherwise physically intimidated anyone, nor intentionally sought to belittle anyone. ”
In his resignation posted on Twitter, however, Raab hit out at the inquiry, saying: "In setting the threshold for bullying so low, this inquiry has set a dangerous precedent. "
首相苏纳克则在回信中称,“带着巨大悲伤(with great sadness)”接受辞职。
值得注意的是,此前英国媒体还报道拉布“拒绝辞职(refuse to resign)”,“为政治生涯一搏(fight for his political life )”等等。
Raab was "forced to quit" from the role, The Guardian reports.
《i 周末》则采访到此前在拉布手下工作的员工,后者称拉布“傲慢无礼”、“玩弄受害者”。
Officials who worked for Dominic Raab have told i weekend he is "arrogant" and "playing the victim" .
去年11月,时任不管部国务大臣(*注:英国不管部大臣:Minister without Portfolio,即没有专职负责某一部门的内阁阁员)加文·威廉姆森也因被指认“职场霸凌”而辞职。今年1月,时任保守党主席兼内阁不管大臣纳齐姆·扎哈维被发现隐瞒税务记录,被苏纳克解职。
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