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来源:中国日报 环球时报 观察者网 新华网 央视网    作者:21ST   日期: 2022-08-12



Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying on August 7 posted several tweets in a row on Twitter in a powerful rejection of US claims of China "overreacting" to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's provocative trip to the island of Taiwan.

The US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns said that China's actions in and around the Taiwan Straits "threaten the status quo of many decades," adding that "the world should hold Beijing accountable to maintain the peace."


图源:推特@Hua Chunying华春莹

Rebutting these claims, Hua told the ambassador and the US Department of State, "You are wrong." She pointed out the fact that the US does not represent the whole world, still less the great many developing countries.


图源:推特@Hua Chunying华春莹

"The US should not pretend to be surprised about the Chinese response, as we have tried every means to warn of the consequences of Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, including at the highest level," Hua continued.


图源:推特@Hua Chunying华春莹

Commenting on Pelosi calling her visit to Taiwan "an unofficial one," Hua said it has shown the US government's commitment to have only unofficial relations with Taiwan to be a lie. "Could a visit by the No. 3 figure of the US government on a military aircraft escorted by naval vessels be described as 'unofficial'?"


图源:推特@Hua Chunying华春莹

This is proof that the US administration has been complicit all along and therefore must accept all responsibility and consequences, she noted.


图源:推特@Hua Chunying华春莹


图源:推特@Hua Chunying华春莹


Beijing announced on Friday its decision to take eight countermeasures in response to Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, covering areas of bilateral collaboration such as defense, justice and climate change.

According to the list of countermeasures issued by the Foreign Ministry, China decided to cancel three cooperative dialogues or meetings between the two nations' defense authorities or militaries.

In addition, Beijing suspended two-way judicial cooperation in areas such as illegal immigrants, cross-border crimes and narcotics, as well as bilateral consultation on climate change.

On August 5, China also announced its decision to impose sanctions against Pelosi and her immediate family members in accordance with relevant laws of China, in response to Pelosi's provocative moves.


图源:推特@Hua Chunying华春莹

The spokesperson reiterated that the only way forward for China-US relations is to return to the one-China principle and the three Sino-US joint communiqués instead of salami-slicing the one-China policy or changing it by stealth.

此外,华春莹还转推一则推特。这则推特写道 :“七国集团(G7)表现得就像‘贼喊捉贼’,但中国的正义事业得到了160多个国家的支持。”

图源:推特@Hua Chunying华春莹

Later, Hua reposted a tweet of ChaoyangShaoxia, an observer of international affairs, which said that the G7 is acting like a thief crying "stop thief", while China has the backing of over 160 countries for its righteous cause.


图源:推特@Hua Chunying华春莹




此前,在美国众议院议长佩洛西盛传窜访台湾之际,中国外交部发言人华春莹在推特上接连发文,并向外国网友科普了这样一个词:纸老虎(paper tiger)。


图源:推特@Hua Chunying华春莹 


"All reactionaries are paper tigers. In appearance, the reactionaries are terrifying, but in reality, they are not so powerful. From a long-term point of view, it is not the reactionaries but the people who are powerful."




After China won the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Anna Louise Strong paid her fifth visit to China in 1946. By a stone table in Yangjialing, Yan'an, She met Mao Zedong. They talked about the developments in the civil war and about the United States, which supported Chiang Kai-shek.


Strong asked a difficult question, "Suppose the United States uses the atom bomb?" Mao paused for a moment before he replied firmly, "The atom bomb is a paper tiger which the US reactionaries use to scare people. It looks terrible, but in fact it isn't."


Failing to find an English equivalent for paper tiger, the interpreter translated it as scarecrow. Strong did not get it.

在了解相关解释后,毛泽东最终选择用paper tiger对应“纸老虎”。他告诉斯特朗,他所说的“纸老虎”,不是插在田地里用来赶鸟和吓唬小孩子的稻草人,而是样子看起来像只可怕的老虎,但实际上是纸糊的,一受潮它就发软,一下雨雨水就会把它冲跑。

"A paper tiger is not something dead to scare crows. It scares children. It looks like a terrible tiger but actually, being made of pressed paper, it softens when damp and is washed away in a heavy rain," Mao explained.




图源:推特@Hua Chunying华春莹 



“Now U.S. imperialism is quite powerful, but in reality it isn't. It is very weak politically because it is divorced from the masses of the people and is disliked by everybody and by the American people too.”

综合来源:中国日报 环球时报 观察者网 新华网 央视网



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