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来源:中国日报网 新华网  外交部网站 “国防部发布”公众号     作者:21ST   日期: 2023-02-06





Vice-Foreign Minister Xie Feng has made serious demarches to the US embassy in China over the US' use of force to bring down an unmanned Chinese civilian airship on Sunday.


Xie expressed China's resolute opposition and strong protest toward the incident on behalf of the Chinese government.


According to a statement issued by the ministry on Monday, Xie said that the unintended entry of a Chinese unmanned airship into US airspace was an accidental event due to force majeure. The ins and outs of what happened are crystal clear and clearly allow for no distortion or smearing, he said.


However, Xie said that the US side has turned a deaf ear to all of these and overreacted by insisting on the abuse of force toward the civilian airship that was on route to exit US airspace. This has seriously violated the spirit of international law and international common practice, he said.


The vice-foreign minister emphasized that the actions taken by the US side severely impacted and undermined the efforts and process both sides have been engaged in toward stabilizing the China-US relationship since the two countries' leaders met in Bali, Indonesia.


China urged the US to not take further actions that will undermine China's interests or upgrade and expand tensions between the countries, Xie said.


He said that the Chinese government is closely following this latest development and will firmly safeguard the legitimate rights of Chinese companies and the interests and dignity of the Chinese side.


China reserves the right to further react over this matter if necessary, Xie added.






谭克非 资料图 图源:国防部网站


The US used force to attack China's civilian unmanned airship, which was an obvious overreaction, said Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, spokesperson for China's Ministry of National Defense (MND), in a statement released on Sunday afternoon. 


“We solemnly protest this move by the US side and reserve the right to take necessary measures to deal with similar situations,” stressed the spokesperson.






China strongly disapproves of and protests against the US attack on a civilian unmanned airship by force. The Chinese side has, after verification, repeatedly informed the US side of the civilian nature of the airship and conveyed that its entry into the US due to force majeure was totally unexpected. The Chinese side has clearly asked the US side to properly handle the matter in a calm, professional and restrained manner. The spokesperson of the US Department of Defense also noted that the balloon does not present a military or physical threat to people on the ground. Under such circumstances, the US use of force is a clear overreaction and a serious violation of international practice. China will resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company concerned, and reserves the right to make further responses if necessary.


综合来源:中国日报网 新华网  外交部网站 “国防部发布”公众号 



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