Behind enemy lines
BY wangxingwei from 21st Century
Published 2021-05-11

In his more than 40-year career as a filmmaker, Zhang Yimou has finally turned his eye to the spy genre.

On April 30, Zhang’s first espionage film Cliff Walkers was released. The film features a star-studded cast of China’s leading talent, including Zhang Yi, Yu Hewei and Qin Hailu. Set in the Japan-occupied puppet state Manchukuo in the early 1930s, the story follows four Soviet Union-trained agents of the Communist Party of China sneaking into Harbin, Heilongjiang, to rescue a survivor escaping from a covert camp where the brutal Japanese take prisoners for human experiments.

Like other spy films and TV shows, Zhang covers scenes of torture, secret codes, fights and chases in Cliff Walkers, but in his own style.

His iconic usage of colors creates atmosphere and develops characters. “Rather than the lush warmth and brilliant hues that characterized some of his previous works, here he surrounds the cold paranoia... with austere whites and grays,” the Los Angeles Times noted.

The film’s many snowy scenes, contrasting the white snow against the dark night, showcase an epic sense of conflict between the good and the evil, China Daily reported.

Cliff Walkers is different in other ways too. Instead of portraying the characters as heroes and villains, it clearly reveals positive and negative roles and focuses on how the agents accomplish their mission.

Additionally, the actors’ lines are relatively concise. In Zhang’s view, he wanted “actors to convey feelings through their eyes”, Yangcheng Evening News noted.

(Translator & Editor: Wang Yue (Intern) AND Ma Zheng)
Espionage  间谍
Puppet  傀儡
Covert  秘密的
Brutal  残暴的
Lush  丰富的
Hues  色彩
Paranoia  偏执
Austere  朴素的
Villains  反派